
Here are some of my projects!

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Alohomora: A Novel Approach for Graphical Password Authentication

  • A new method of using images for authentication, balancing the tradeoff between security and user experience
  • Built at Intranary 2022 - VJTI's Internal Qualifiers for Smart India Hackathon 2022
  • Tech stack: React, Tailwind, Express, MongoDB, HuggingFace, Spacy, Flask
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Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Ball Bearings

  • A Weiner process statistical model to predict the RUL of degrading ball bearings given their vibrational readings
  • Utilized the Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoother consisting of an Extended Kalman Filter for fixed interval smoothing
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SCM With Location Tracking

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Educational Forum

  • An online forum where users can write and view articles, chat with each other and create sub forums and communities
  • Contributed to the database design and implementation in PostgreSQL
  • Implemented the chat feature using Socket-IO
  • Worked on the front end using HTML, Bootstrap and JavaScript
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IoT Relayer